Friday 18 February 2022

Hepatitis B vaccine and healthcare workers

Back in November last year, new updated PGDs were released including one for hepatitis B.  To see the collection see here and for the template specifically for hepatitis B here.  

Remember these template documents require further authorisation in section 2 of the PGD document before they can be used.  I wrote a blog about the process back in 2018.  For those wanting more information about prescribing travel vaccines, see this FAQ.  

The changes from previous versions are noted in the documents.  One thing that stood out for me on the hepatitis B PGD was that a new change found on page 2 said 'removal of reference to booster doses for healthcare workers'.  

Back in 2018, a document was published by Public Health England of the time called 'Plan for phased re-introduciton of hepatitis B vaccine for lower priority groups in 2018'.  In it, under 'Booster doses for healthcare workers' it said 'On the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), boosters (priority group 5) will no longer be routinely required in healthy, immunocompetent adults who have completed a primary course of vaccine, including healthcare workers who are known responders'.  To access this document click here and see page 8 and directly here.  The group 5 was referred to in this document from the previous year, on page 8.  

Hepatitis B: the green book, chapter 18 was updated on 4th February 2022.  On page 13 regarding boosters of hepatitis B, it states that healthcare workers (including students and trainees). should be offered a single booster dose of vaccine, once only, around five years after primary immunisation.  

I'm personally not involved in the immunisaitons of healthcare workers, but for those of you who work in occupational health and are, I thought it may be useful to highlight this information.