Monday, 29 May 2017

Malaria Matters E learning course

Many of you may have already taken this course but some new software means I've now been able to update it and it works smoothly now on a tablet and mobile phone as well as your personal computer! This is a huge relief because although the course has been very well evaluated, worked efficiently for some, has driven others a little bit crazy!  Despite this I know that hundreds of people have also done it and gained great benefit, so I hope it will be plain sailing in the future ..... I'm a 'one man band' and sometimes sorting out IT issues is a real challenge!

Click on the image to see more detail.  

When you enter the e learning platform called 'LearnUpon' to undertake the free of charge course it will tell you you have two weeks to complete it. The platform costs to host the course, but I feel so keen that people learn more about malaria that I make it free to the end user at the current time. I limit the time access to manage this.  If you're mid-way and just haven't had time to finish but really want to do so, please e mail me as instructed on the course and I'll extend your time.  If you looked and decided not to complete then I'll remove your registration to make way for someone else to use it.  

LearnUpon now have an app to manage the course through on a mobile device - for the IoS version on the Apple store click here   I haven't been able to find an Android app for it yet but am still making enquiries.