Tuesday, 1 October 2019

PGD templates from PHE updated

Yesterday Public Health England published updated templates for the PGDs for Hepatitis A, combined hepatitis A+B and Revaxis for use in EnglandSee the full list of PGDs here.  These new documents (found under the section 'individuals at increased risk') will be valid until 31st October 2021 for these specific travel vaccines we provide in an NHS travel service in primary care.  Remember though, they cannot be used until signed off (in Section 2, usually found on page 4) by your organisation that has the legal authority to authorise the PGD. To remind you, NHS England has five regional teams as follows and I've hopefully identified the page on the websites where access to the PGDs are found:

Some points of interest within the new PGD for combination hep A + B vaccine

The PGD for Twinrix, Twinrix Paediatric and Ambirix says

Inclusion for use within a travel context: are individuals over 1 year of age requiring Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B pre-exposure prophylaxis where hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccination is currently recommended for travel by NaTHNaC (see the Travel Health Pro website for country-specific advice on hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine recommendations).

Criteria for exclusion

require solely hepatitis B vaccination for overseas travel purposes

Action to be taken if the patient is excluded
Individuals requiring solely hepatitis B vaccination for overseas travel purposes should be administered hepatitis B in accordance with local policy. However, hepatitis B vaccination for travel is not remunerated by the NHS as part of additional services and is therefore not covered by this PGD unless hepatitis A vaccination is also indicated, and a combined HepA/B vaccine is used.

Off-label use
The Twinrix® Adult schedule given at 0, 7 and 21 days is licensed for adults (that is those from 18 years of age) but may be used off-label in those from 16 to 18 years of age where it is important to provide rapid protection and to maximise compliance (this includes PWID) in accordance with Chapter 18 of ‘The Green Book’.


  • Were you aware the PGD specifies you need to use TravelHealthPro within your travel risk assessment when identifying the vaccine recommendation? 
  • It's very useful that the off-label use of of Twinrix Adult for the 0, 7 and 21 day schedule and a 4th dose 12 months after the first dose can be provided under the PGD where insufficient time is available to allow the standard 0, 1, 6 month schedule to be completed.  
  • The PGD says (under the section 'Dose and frequency of administration'): For travellers, vaccine should preferably be given at least two weeks before departure but can be given up to the day of departure. 
  • Reference to the new Vaccine Incidence Guidance document republished on 19 September was also included