Thursday, 13 June 2019

Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice - a THIRD time

Having written twice now about this in March and then May (the latter blog I have left up for now so click on the link) I am astonished to be writing yet again.

NHS Resolution have now posted a FURTHER update to the document called the Scheme Scope document posted  last month that informed us the CNSGP did cover us for the private travel vaccines given in General Practice.

This new document  dated 12 JUNE 2019 now overturns that advice and it says:

  • Travel vaccinations and immunisations funded by the NHS are covered under CNSGP
  • Travel vaccinations and immunisations for which patients have to pay a charge are not NHS services and therefore not covered under CNSGP   
  • NB. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) had understood that all vaccinations and immunisations, paid for or not, were NHS services. This was based on an understanding that these services were included in the Part 4 GMS contract as an additional service and so were to be regarded as primary medical services. 
  • NHS England has clarified that whilst GMS and PMS contracts allow GP practices to administer and charge for certain vaccinations, when the patient pays for the vaccine or immunisation they are considered private health services, not NHS services.  
  • DHSC has taken further legal advice and considered this issue carefully. Having done so it has concluded the administration of paid for vaccinations and immunisations are not NHS services so cannot be in-scope of CNSGP. 
  • These vaccinations and immunisations are covered under MDO policies.

The document is found here and directly here - see pages 7/8 in the table of information.  So it would seem that if you give private travel vaccines you do need to ensure you have additional indemnity cover from a provider such as the MDU, MPAS etc.

Whilst there is a frustration over the mixed messages we have received to date, I think the important aspect here at the present time is to ensure you are covered if you are working in General Practice and giving any private travel vaccines (and I am guessing involved in malaria chemoprophylaxis as well).  Please make sure you sort this out and share the update with colleagues.

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